
A space for change makers.

Make Innovation Work in Your Organisation

arturstaszewski CC

“Creating a better future Requires creativity in the present.” ― Matthew Goldfinger

##What is Open Innovation? Open Innovation enables organizations to function in a new way. A way that empowers co-workers, community members, stakeholders, and fans to tackle challenges and improve the organisation. So how can you use an Open Innovation strategy to make a difference in your workplace?

One of our favourite examples of the power of Open Innovation is the GIZ. The GIZ is an organisation that helps solve developmental challenges in many countries. This means that they work with various employees, governments and stakeholders around the world. When the GIZ needed to write a new policy they turned to us to use crowd sourcing to write the document. It started with a basic draft, and three weeks later hundreds of colleagues from around the world had contributed to the document. This crowd sourcing resulted in a more rounded and supported policy than the management team could have written on their own.

Open Innovation is a fantastic opportunity to work with your peers for a better outcome. It means grasping the ideas and feedback of co-workers and community members to learn from each other and exchange knowledge. Open Innovation is not an outcome, but a process. It is about tackling problems and challenges in new ways to create better products, services, and social solutions.

##How can I use innovation? Open Innovation is about creative problem solving with a group of people. There are many situations where Open Innovation can add value to an organisation and we hope you will start to think creatively about the ways you can use it.

To learn how other organisations are using innovation and idea management to grow their customers and make a positive impact on the world, and how you can to: sign up for our free tutorial.