
A space for change makers.

How Diversity Can Fuel Imagination

Photo by: Glenda Sims

With the increase in globalization, the need for a culturally diverse workforce has also increased. Cultural diversity offers the creativity and flexibility that are needed for innovation. If a business does not leverage the effective weapon of diversity, it creates barriers to the growth of its creative potential, which ultimately costs the business its competitive edge.

Bringing together people with different backgrounds, qualifications, and experiences are all significant to effective problem-solving for the business. When more bright minds, each with his or her diverse set of experiences, brainstorm to solve a given problem, the resulting solution is more effective, certain and feasible. Similarly, diversity fosters creativity and innovation. Diversity enables to obtain a broader range of perspectives and better ideas for driving the best business solutions. A diverse workforce mirrors today’s marketplace through increased consumer insight. When people from diverse backgrounds and experiences offer their input regarding a business solution or project, the business is able to benefit from the best ideas coming from the brightest minds.

Furthermore, a workforce comprising of people from different backgrounds will have affiliations and acquaintances among a diverse consumer base. This will help extract valuable information from the consumer side – what products they want, what changes they want to see in the currents products, or any ideas they might have for innovation. This can lead to further creative betterment.

The benefits of a diverse workforce are many, but can every business enjoy these benefits? Sadly, no. Large businesses with hundreds of employees have the advantage of hiring people with different qualifications, coming from different backgrounds. However, small-to-medium sized businesses, who hire a handful of employees, are not able to enjoy these benefits due to limited budgets. Does that mean these businesses will not innovate in their projects? The answer to this, again, is no.

Small-to-medium sized businesses can very much harness the power of a diverse workforce, at a lower cost, through idea management software like WE THINQ. The brainstorming software provides a platform for diverse bright minds around the world to come together and contribute ideas for the growth of a business. By incurring minimal costs, businesses can gain access to a pool of millions of creative ideas, assess and compare the ideas and implement the best ones, all in a short span of time.

WE THINQ helps bring innovation from all around the world to your doorstep.